Create Webhook for Email

Every email sent to this address will be passed via POST to the URL given
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What is email2json ? is for creating automated mail receiving actions. Create your own web call URL for email. When ever an email will be sent to the email address created * - a call to the given URL webhook will be made transferring the email data in JSON format as the POST data. An easy to use email API - Email SaaS. allows you to handle emails programatically - transactional email API.

How does the transferred data JSON look like ?

There is a github gist for a sample of API receiver for webhook in PHP for email as JSON: webhook API sample - Handle incoming emails in your code using email2json API

The JSON data received itself looks like that:

How much does it cost ?

What are the scenarios to use webhooks?

A typical scenario to use webhook automated email transfer calls - is if you want to something to be made automatically when a user sends an email.

I use it in my own website for users to bookmarks urls via email sending to process incoming email.

Usually, you can create an email under your domain that automatically forwards to the webhook on the * email which in it's turn calls the URL with the email data in POST.

Scenario 1: Publish email on your site, user send email to and then a webhook is called on your site
Scenario 1: Publish email on your site, user send email to and then a webhook is called on your site

Scenario 2: Publish email on your site, user send email to your email, you forward it to and then a webhook is called on your site
Scenario 2: Publish email on your site, user send email to your email, you forward it to and then a webhook is called on your site

Technical notes

Email Services

I have created a few more emails services to be used:

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I am Cnaan Aviv. I like to develop and create stuff. You can contact me here:

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